What is the average size of coworking space?

The amount of space available determines how it can be divided and organized into different desk arrangements. According to Coworking Insights, the average size of a coworking space in North America is 9,799 square meters.

What is the average size of coworking space?

The amount of space available determines how it can be divided and organized into different desk arrangements. According to Coworking Insights, the average size of a coworking space in North America is 9,799 square meters. This is equivalent to approximately 100 square meters. During the pandemic, JLL reported that the average amount of space per employee was 196 square feet. Today, workplace design studies have concluded that the average office space per employee is 150 to 175 square feet.

This includes dedicated desk space and surrounding space, and you should also consider the amount of space in meeting rooms and common areas. Coworking, which has continued to grow and has been considerably boosted by the increase in remote and hybrid work, continues its upward trajectory in the US. UU. And, with more flexible workspaces opening their doors every day and new operators entering the market, the changes in this sector are remarkable, even in just a few months.

While the leading markets in terms of the number of coworking spaces remained the same as in the previous quarter, the three major markets of Manhattan, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. registered increases of 5%, 2% and 7%, respectively, totaling 37 more spaces together. Meanwhile, other markets in the top 25, such as Houston, registered 16% more coworking spaces in June than in March. In contrast, Raleigh (North Carolina) registered an 8% decrease in the number of flexible workspaces in the second quarter, from having a stock of 86 such spaces in the first quarter to 79 in June.

According to the most recent data, the coworking office park in the U.S. The U.S. totals 120,617,339 square feet, representing 1.74% of total office space across the country. While that total was likely to be unevenly distributed across different spaces (depending on locations, markets, capacity and operators), it's still a figure that has increased since March.

At the time, coworking represented 1.67% of total office space, with an area of 113,742,866 square feet. Half of the top 25 markets saw an increase in the size of coworking spaces. Manhattan topped the list with an average of more than 47,000 square feet, twice the national average of about 19,000 square feet. It should be noted that coworking spaces in San Francisco also seem to be increasing their surface area, as the average size of spaces increased by 7% quarter-on-quarter to 28,000 square feet, exceeding the average size of spaces in Brooklyn, which grew by 1% compared to the previous quarter. However, the area of coworking spaces in Raleigh (North Carolina) has grown the most, with an average increase of 2,600 square feet to 23,150 square meters, representing an increase of 13% quarter-on-quarter.

The main operators with the highest number of coworking spaces nationwide continued to be industry giants Regus, WeWork, Industrious, Spaces and Premier Workspace, and all five registered more than 60% of their portfolios in the top 25 markets. Meanwhile, Industrious remained in a stable position, with a slight increase of 1% in major markets. At the same time, Spaces was the only one that gained significant ground both in major markets and in general, with increases of 7% and 6%, respectively. In fact, June data showed seven more coworking locations attributed to Spaces, compared to March.

However, while the national and often local monopoly attributed to large coworking players is not surprising, local or independent operators surpassed them in Brooklyn. Here, the largest number of coworking spaces (seven) belonged to the smaller operator GreenDesk, followed by six spaces attributed to WorkHeights. In contrast, WeWork had only four spaces in the Brooklyn market, while Spaces and Industrious had only two each and Regus was represented by only one office. Many companies still don't know with certainty the number of employees that will be in their physical offices in the short or long term.

deadline. This has led companies to carry out smaller projects with new companies, such as pilot tests, instead of making purchases on a larger scale. Coworking spaces now offer more strategic options for tenants with less predictable prospects. This is especially true in spaces that are used more than organizations' headquarters.

As a result, owners of smaller or suburban properties who are interested in the flexible market see real opportunities in this niche segment and are beginning to meet some of the growing demand for more flexible and agile uses. from space. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Type above and press Enter to search.

You can then dive deeper into the data about employees who work in coworking spaces or search for administrative and office jobs. Both Paul and Nashville experienced 10% growth in total space allocated to coworking spaces, with more than 1,500,000 square feet in total each. Today, the 10 largest providers of coworking spaces and flexible offices represent 36% of the market (Forbes). To find out how much space you should include in each section of your coworking space design, consider the ratio between people and space.

The average age of coworking space members is 36, 80% of coworking space members have a college degree, and 90% of American coworking space members are white or Caucasian. However, one of the main reasons why less than half of coworking spaces are profitable is the relative novelty of coworking spaces in your whole. Employees who have to travel a lot but find it difficult to concentrate at home may prefer to work in a nearby coworking space or in a satellite office. In North America, the average size of a coworking space is about 9,799 square feet, and an average of about 100.14 people use that space.

If the trajectory continues like this, coworking spaces may start to look more like office buildings than they were originally designed, but employees will still be able to leave their living rooms and bedrooms to be close to others professionals and entrepreneurs.

Carol Toefield
Carol Toefield

Subtly charming internet buff. Infuriatingly humble gamer. Freelance tv buff. Total zombie lover. Infuriatingly humble twitter guru. Professional organizer.