Can wework be profitable?

WeWork highlights CBRE's forecasts that coworking will grow between 13 and 22% of total square feet of office supplies in 2030, while FTI consulting forecasts 30% of the total office supply. Leases involve longer-term commitments, often signed by business clients or larger organizations looking for exclusive office space at WeWork locations.

Can wework be profitable?

WeWork highlights CBRE's forecasts that coworking will grow between 13 and 22% of total square feet of office supplies in 2030, while FTI consulting forecasts 30% of the total office supply. Leases involve longer-term commitments, often signed by business clients or larger organizations looking for exclusive office space at WeWork locations. WeWork highlights that while they only have approximately 1% or less of the market's total office space in many of its major markets, they have been responsible for 10 to 40% of the leasing activity in those markets. For example, white-labeling WeWork spaces or providing personalized office environments for corporate clients.

Carol Toefield
Carol Toefield

Subtly charming internet buff. Infuriatingly humble gamer. Freelance tv buff. Total zombie lover. Infuriatingly humble twitter guru. Professional organizer.